Global Patent Law – the top 2 things you need to know
What are the top 2 things a business person should know about patent rules if they’re going to be manufacturing or selling internationally?
Public disclosures before filing your patent application can nullify your patent rights in some countries
Filing a PCT application gives you flexibility and time for individual country patent filings
To elaborate on...
Global Patent Law – the top 2 things you need to know Continue reading…
Patents by State -how does your state stack up?
Which state had the most patents granted in 2014? Who came in second? Which foreign country had the most US patents granted in 2014? The answers may surprise you, or not! The USPTO keeps tracks of these stats and lists them here.
In brief, the 5 states with the highest numbers were:
David Postolski, Esq., named Partner at Gearhart Law
David Postolski joined Gearhart Law in 2014 as an associate attorney practicing patent, trademark and copyright law, and has recently been named a partner at the firm. David’s main areas of expertise are software and entertainment IP law, although he is knowledgeable in all...
David Postolski, Esq., named Partner at Gearhart Law Continue reading…
The other side of non-disclosure agreements
What is the purpose of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA)?
Many inventors and investors alike think an NDA exists solely to protect an idea or invention from thievery. Based on that, the investor may balk at signing it. Why would an investor steal your idea when he or she is funding it, after all?
The other side of non-disclosure agreements Continue reading…
Israel and Innovation – a Good Match
written by David Postolski, Patent Attorney at Gearhart Law
Having been invited to present at the AIPLA and AIPPI Conference March 20-22, 2016, in Tel Aviv to speak about Post Grant Review proceedings for patents, I was honored to travel to Israel. I must admit...
Israel and Innovation – a Good Match Continue reading…
IP protection in Cuba
written by Elizabeth Gearhart, Ph.D., patent agent at Gearhart Law
I want to do business in Cuba – can I get patent and trademark protection there?
Short answer – yes!
Let’s start with patents.
In order to file patent applications in other countries, a U.S. inventor must first file in the U.S., then they may file,...
IP protection in Cuba Continue reading…
Redskins’ Trademark Fight Goes to Appeals Court
Pretty Intimidating…no?
We previously examined the never-ending saga of the National Football League’s Washington Redskins and the cancellation of some of their trademarks, namely those featuring the word “Redskins,” back in mid-2014.
However,as previously alluded, this matter is far from over and counsel for the Redskins recently...
Redskins’ Trademark Fight Goes to Appeals Court Continue reading…
Gearhart Law Client Loliware® Wins Big on Shark Tank
written by Elizabeth Gearhart, Ph.D., patent agent at Gearhart Law
Summit, New Jersey – Gearhart Law, a New York area-based IP firm specializing in patent, trademark and copyright law, is pleased to announce that its client, Manhattan based Loliware®, won funding on the October 2, 2015 episode of Shark Tank....
Gearhart Law Client Loliware® Wins Big on Shark Tank Continue reading…
Apple v. Samsung – the IP fight goes on
written by James Klobucar, Esq., patent attorney at Gearhart Law
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…there was no such thing as the “smart phone wars.”
The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) recently handed down their most recent decision in the highly publicized clashing between...
Apple v. Samsung – the IP fight goes on Continue reading…
IP in China – video
Gearhart Law hosted the 1st Annual Global Intellectual Property Law Symposium at the end of March, 2015. The following link is to the video of the panelist from China, James Zhu, discussing the business climate in China and enforcement of your Intellectual Property rights...
IP in China – video Continue reading…