Global Patent Law – the top 2 things you need to know

What are the top 2 things a business person should know about patent rules if they’re going to be manufacturing or selling internationally? Public disclosures before filing your patent application can nullify your patent rights in some countries Filing a PCT application gives you flexibility and time for individual country patent filings To elaborate on...
Global Patent Law – the top 2 things you need to know Continue reading…

IP protection in Cuba

written by Elizabeth Gearhart, Ph.D., patent agent at Gearhart Law I want to do business in Cuba – can I get patent and trademark protection there? Short answer – yes! Let’s start with patents. In order to file patent applications in other countries, a U.S. inventor must first file in the U.S., then they may file,...
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IP in China – video

Gearhart Law hosted the 1st Annual Global Intellectual Property Law Symposium at the end of March, 2015. The following link is to the video of the panelist from China, James Zhu, discussing the business climate in China and enforcement of your Intellectual Property rights...
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