Trademark logo on an empty folder

Building a brand takes time and effort as well as an understanding of what steps are essential to help build customer trust and loyalty. Many businesses and brands wisely turn to trademark registration services.

If you want to ensure that your intellectual property is safe, the best thing you can do is schedule a consultation with experienced trademark services lawyers. Gearhart Law in New Jersey can help you register a trademark. Contact us today to get started. 

Trademark Registration Steps In New Jersey

To be able to register a trademark, you must take a few crucial steps. At Gearhart Law, we can help you through the entire process. 

Checking for Trademark Uniqueness

The first step of trademark registration is to validate the uniqueness of the trademark. You have to perform a thorough search in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database to ensure there will be no conflicts. 

Preparing the Application

To succeed in your trademark registration, you need to have a detailed application. It must include a detailed description of the trademark as well as the services or goods it is associated with. 

At Gearhart Law, we are meticulous in this step of the process, adhering to strict and rigorous standards to give you the best chance of getting a positive result. Our thorough application services can help prevent delays and objections. 

Submitting the Application

We can help you decide whether you prefer state- or federal-level trademark registration. If you choose state-level protection, we submit the application via the New Jersey Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services. If you opt for federal-level protection, we turn to USPTO.

Navigating Trademark Examination

One of the crucial parts of registering a trademark is the trademark examination process, which is done by an examiner. They will look at the trademark’s uniqueness and search for any potential conflicts as well as ensure that it complies with all legal requirements. 

If there are any issues, the examining attorney will issue an Office Action. We will address the problems it brings up in a timely manner. 

Registering the Trademark

Once all issues have been dealt with, the trademark is published in the Official Gazette for 30 days. If any third party feels the trademark could negatively impact them, this gives them the chance to speak up. If there are no objections in those 30 days and all statutory requirements are met, the USPTO will register the trademark. 

Requirements for a Trademark Registration in New Jersey

To get your federal application approved, you need to follow strict guidelines and fee requirements. You have two application filing options: the TEAS standard and the TEAS plus. We can help you decide on the right one. 

The trademark application you submit has to include:

  • The name of the applicant
  • An address for correspondence
  • A listing of the goods or services
  • A clear representation of the mark
  • A filing fee for a minimum of one type of goods or services

If you’re filing a currently-in-use trademark, you will need to send a picture of the product or an actual version of it. If you’re filing a service trademark, providing an advertisement that promotes the service is enough. 

Benefits of Registering a Trademark

The process of registering a trademark ensures that there is not a very similar version of it out there that can confuse customers and put you at risk of being sued for infringement. Being sued can mean substantial financial losses, including giving up all profits you made under the unregistered trademark. 

You could also be forced to pay damages. To make things worse, you would then have to rename and rebrand everything in your business, resulting in further financial losses. In many cases, you are likely to lose customers, too, since they might be confused by the changes. 

When customers see the trademark symbol after your brand name, they know it’s been registered. This inspires confidence and builds your brand name. 

Trademark registration protects you from infringement, too. Others will be less likely to use similar marks to yours, and they won’t be able to register a mark that resembles yours because the registration process will flag it. 

Contact Our New Jersey Trademark Lawyers Now

Trademark registration at the state or federal level is always complex. There are many issues you could run into that might delay the process. By turning to experienced trademark lawyers, you can have the guidance you need through every step of the registration process. Help your brand identity grow by trademarking it. Contact us at Gearhart Law in New Jersey to speak with a trademark lawyer today.