How Business Counseling Can Save Your Business

Facing a crossroads or unforeseen challenges is common in running a business. In these moments, the right guidance can transform potential pitfalls into opportunities for growth and innovation. Business counseling merges legal insight with strategic planning, offering powerful tools to protect and propel your venture forward. This approach not only anticipates legal...

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How to Avoid Business Disputes

In the fast-paced business world, disputes can emerge as daunting obstacles, consuming valuable time and resources while straining relationships. Aiming to avoid these challenges ensures your venture's smooth operation and growth. With practical strategies and a proactive approach, it's possible to prevent many common conflicts businesses face. Here, we'll examine effective methods...

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patent textbook on a table

Patent Infringement Defense: Strategies for Defending Against Allegations of Patent Infringement

Facing a patent infringement allegation can feel overwhelming, as it threatens your business and brings significant legal challenges. It's a situation that can disrupt your business, drain your resources, and cloud your future with uncertainty. But, as with any challenge, some strategies and defenses can turn the tide in your favor. Here,...

Patent Infringement Defense: Strategies for Defending Against Allegations of Patent Infringement Continue reading…

NJ Innovate100 to Honor Richard Gearhart as an Innovative Leader in the Legal Industry

Summit, New Jersey (Law Firm Newswire) – Gearhart Law is proud to announce that its founding attorney, Richard Gearhart, has been named an NJ Innovate100 Leader. This honor recognizes Richard’s significant contributions to New Jersey’s innovation ecosystem through his nearly 30 years of experience in intellectual property law.

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The Process of International Patent Infringement Litigation

Navigating the complexities of international patent infringement litigation can be a daunting task, as it involves a blend of complex legal principles, diverse judicial systems, and cross-border enforcement challenges. When a patent is infringed upon beyond your home country's borders, the process of addressing and resolving these disputes becomes significantly more...

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patent application paperwork with patent stamp

5 Essential Steps to Acquire a Consumer Products Patent: A Comprehensive Guide

Securing a patent for a consumer product is an important step in protecting your innovation and ensuring it stands out in the competitive market. This process, while complicated, opens doors to exclusive rights and opportunities for inventors. Here, we lay out five essential steps to acquire a consumer products patent. We aim...

5 Essential Steps to Acquire a Consumer Products Patent: A Comprehensive Guide Continue reading…

How Can I Safeguard My Algorithm or AI?

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, safeguarding your algorithm or artificial intelligence (AI) innovation is more crucial than ever. With the rise of technology, the lines between creativity and code blur, leaving many inventors and developers wondering how to protect their intellectual creations effectively. This blog examines various strategies to secure your...

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